To sign up for the DC NLG chapter listserve, email
*Join or Renew Your Membership in the DC National Lawyers Guild*
Membership in the National Lawyers Guild is open to attorneys, law students, and legal workers. Legal workers are defined as anyone who has worked in any office, collective or other institution which has as its primary function the provision of legal services, information or education. If you are not an attorney, law student, or legal worker, please consider becoming a Friend of the NLG.
Each membership payment entitles members to a year’s subscription to the NLG Review and Guild Notes, as well as the right to vote in any NLG national election during that year. Additionally, members receive a one-year listing in the NLG’s online Referral Directory.
Sliding Scale Policy: the NLG relies almost entirely on membership dues to sustain our operations. Nevertheless, our membership rates are suggested, sliding scale amounts. as we strive to make participation in the Guild as accessible as possible to all legal practitioners who share our mission, regardless of income. If you’d like to ask about our sliding scale policy, please email
New Legal Observer Member (first year of membership): $20
New Legal Worker Member (first year of membership): $20-60
Law Student/Recent Law Grads: $20-60
Retired: $20-750
New NIP/NPAP Members (first year of membership): $50
New Attorney Member (first year of membership): $60
Income under 30K: $60-75
Income 30-50K – $100-200
Income 50-70K – $200-300
Income 70-100K – $300-500
Income 100-200K – $500-600
Income over 200K – $600-750
*Members of bar associations of color need only pay half of the suggested rate for their income*
Any questions about membership? Contact